16 Oct

What is Electric Cycle?

An Electric Cycle is the one that runs on a battery, not on fuel or petrol. It works on three things, motor, controller and battery. It does not harm the climate by releasing global warming gases. Which is its major purpose, to not harm the environment? It was invented in the US during the late ‘90s but was not taken seriously. Now, that the climate has become something the whole world is affected by and people are becoming more aware, these Electric Cycles are getting popular and the demand is increasing. It is interesting to know that electronic cycles can be pedaled like the cycles that do not have a battery. It has been provided with a motor to remove the disadvantage of low speed. Which means that these can be taken to go places which come under some boundary limits like workplace, café, store, mall, and so on?

Which Electric Cycle to purchase?

Being Human has a variety of Electric Cycles according to the need and an income to be able to afford it. Select the one that suits you the best. But the most popular of them is the Being Human Bh12 Cycle. It is not of heavyweight and the look of a classic cycle. The bike can be bought in four colors – white, black, red and yellow. All the colors do not have regular paint. According to the trend they are matte. Its battery is of 36V, 7.8AH. The brand of the cell is Samsung. It takes about four to five hours to get fully charged and can work for approximately 2-3 hours. The battery does not need to be changed for almost three years. It comes with a warranty of one year. Talking of the motor, the motor has a 36V 250W Rear Hub with a maximum speed of twenty-five kilometers per hour. The motor comes with a warranty for a year. The list of its features just goes on. 


Who is Being Human E Cycle Dealer?

The authorized company for the distribution of Being Human E-Cycle in Delhi is Urban E-Bikes. Also, Urban E-Bike is a partner of Being Human E-Cycle. It was launched through Salman Khan’s foundation Being Human by himself. E-Bike is not a new concept. The first one was made in the US during the late ‘90s. Although, it is lately that the E-bikes have gained demand and popularity. It is a green way of conveyance. One can easily avail the original Being Human E Cycle from Urban E-Bikes in Delhi. The link to the website of Urban E-Bike - http://www.urbanebykes.com/about-urbanebykes.php.

Source:  https://trekelectricbike.wordpress.com/2019/10/16/what-which-and-who-of-electric-cycle/Being Human E-Cycle in Delhi

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