10 Oct
Being Human BH12 E Cycle 
Being Human BH12 E Cycle

How is Electric Bike better than normal bikes?

The time has come that we not only think about ourselves but the mother needs taken care of too. Electronic bike or Electric Bike or in vernacular language the e-bike is the best option to do it. Unlike your regular bike, electronic bikes do not emit harmful gasses. But, these are not like bicycles. Bicycles can feel unpractical in this fast running world and moving people for they can be very slow. The Electronic bike is neither slow nor does it lack power. These are a perfect choice for switching the engine vehicle used on a daily basis even if it is public transport. If tired of paddling, the motor can be turned on. This is suitable for flyovers and hillside areas where paddling can be difficult. This motor rescues when one needs to fasten up the ride when running late. Unlike regular bikes, these do not require high maintenance. These are made up of only three prime parts other than that of a bicycle, that is a motor (like stated earlier), a controller to control the power of the motor and a battery.

What is ‘Being Human’ Cycle?

Being Human is primarily a foundation of Salman Khan which works towards providing facilities like education and healthcare to those belonging from the weaker sections of the society. Whichever product is bought from the Company – Being Human is in an indirect way helping the unprivileged because a section of the money spent is given to the foundation. But, Being Human makes products that are innovative and nature-friendly, Being Human Cycle being one of them. There is a variety to choose from. For example, Being Human BH12 Electronic Cycle, BH27 Electronic Cycle and so on. The cycles come in four colors – White, Black, Yellow, and Red. They vary in their specifications and price.

Where can I find a Being Human E-Cycle Dealer in Delhi?

If you are finding Being Human E-Cycle Dealer in Delhi, then authorized company for the distribution of is Urban E-Bikes. Also, Urban E-Bike is a partner of Being Human E-Cycle. It was launched through Salman Khan’s foundation Being Human by himself. E-Bike is not a new concept. The first one was made in the US during the late ‘90s. Although, it is lately that the E-bikes have gained demand and popularity. It is a green way of connivance. One can easily avail the original Being Human E Cycle from Urban E-Bikes in Delhi. The link to the website of Urban E-Bike - http://www.urbanebykes.com/about-urbanebykes.php

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